The Heaton Family Day in the Life (Durham Lifestyle Photographer)
Warning: Do not read the following post if you have no desire to have kids. Looking at these pictures of Eddie and Lilly will make you want to reproduce. You have been warned. :) One of my favorites..
I LOVE that they decided to enlarge this family pic of them on the porch.
I asked Cami to write a little bit about her Day in the Life session:
Cami said, "Our "Day in the Life" session was the perfect pick for our family. Melissa was in our home for a little over an hour just taking pictures of what we would do on a normal day around the house. We had a few things prepared that we wanted her to photograph us doing but we also did a few spontaneous things that we hadn't planned on. With our young children, it was wonderful to be in a place that was comfortable to them. The results are pictures where their expressions are natural and genuine. I loved that we didn't feel pressured to have everyone perfect and sitting still like we have in previous studio sessions. We were all so happy during and after Melissa's session. We also love having pictures of our home to preserve these wonderful memories we've had here."
I love Day in the Life sessions.
And I love the Heatons. :)