Composition 101
I talk too much.
I blame it on being the youngest in a family of 9. (When hanging around 6 loud, funny, crazy siblings, one learns to speak up in a crowd.)
Fortunately, for me (unfortunately for everyone else), my body takes the energy of a group and multiplies it exponentially until I'm a complete spaz. Consequently, I usually wake up the morning after a girls' night feeling the need to call everyone and apologize.
Also, my brain lacks a filter. You know.. the filter that sorts out stories that might be inappropriate, uninteresting, or not relevant? Yeah.. I'm pretty sure mine is gone.
For example, someone might be talking about having trouble with their cell phone plan, and I'll launch into a story about the time I answered the phone like Chewbacca when Aaron's prospective boss was calling him about a job interview. (He got the job.. don't worry.)
You can imagine my feelings about teaching. I LOVE it. Really. But I'm always worried that the thrill of it might send me over the crazy edge.
This week I taught a composition 101 class for a youth group from my church. I'm happy to report that it was all fun, with no crazy attached. It was thrilling, actually. Watching the girls GET IT when I was talking about good light vs. bad light was priceless.I didn't touch these pics in photoshop. Good light doesn't need to be fixed!!
So watch out, world. More photo classes to come.
I absolutely loved it.
I have the EXACT same problem. As soon as I get in the group I have to tell the *funny* story, make the loud jokes ... and it's fun at the time .. then I get home and realize that I should try harder to just keep my mouth shut! :)
Ok, now that I said too much I realized I have a question for you ... in your sooc pics it looks like the girls are standing in diffused light at sunset -- how do they look so tan and healthy? When I take pics like that I usually get a nasty blue color cast. Do you set a custom white balance in camera?
What a lucky group of girls! And I'm a spaz too- that's why we can be friends.
I want to take a class from you!
I would LOVE to take a class from you! And I would expect lots of random stories to be part of it ;-)
I think EVERYONE wakes up the morning after a girls night with the urge to apologize. Sometimes the connection between mouth and brain don't work quite right!
I'm glad I'm not the only social spaz. :)
Thanks for your comments! We were shooting 1/2 hour before sunset and we lucked out with some GORGEOUS light! I didn't mess with the white balance. The girls were in direct golden hour sun and weren't shaded at all. Anytime I tried to shoot in shade, I got a blue color cast, so we moved out into warmer light.
Have you tried using reflectors? (I usually look for natural reflectors, but occasionally bust mine out.) Maybe that would help bounce some warm light where you need it.
Good luck!!
What great pictures of the girls. Montana has such a great time with you and came home with all sorts of "pointers." Now she thinks she needs my camera. :)
Melissa, Thanks for responding to my question and for the nice comment on my blog :) My friends husband is a graphic designer so he did some freelance work for me on my logo. He is actually looking for more design work (and is really fairly priced in my opinion:) So leave me a comment if you're ever interested in some design work and I can get you his email.
I actually miss the spaz . . . I mean girls' nights out. You were always one of my favorite people to sit and chat with. Relief Society socials in my new ward are so normal (read the "boring") that it is somewhat hard to motivate myself to go. So this comment had nothing to do with your photography, but hopefully it has you feelin' a little love from Utah. :-)
I'm the oldest of 10, and I suffer from the same set of symptoms. So I'm not sure you can blame it on your family order!
Now we just need you to teach an adult photo class...
And we *love* having you at our book club--you always spice things up nicely!