>> Monday, December 6, 2010 –
One day my boys were playing outside in short sleeves. The next day we played in the snow. Hello cold snap! We were in heaven! This cold weather is great for snow, but I'm am cursing it as I get up to go running in the morning. Maybe I should invest in some running clothes that provide more warmth than a hoodie cinched up so tightly that only my nose is sticking out...
Let the Christmas season officially begin!
Cutest snowman ever! We had some flurries here and people headed out to stock up (just in case). Living in the South is so funny.
oh my word. that pathetic little snowman it my new favorite. Love that. And the boys flanking it.
Mel- Sorry I haven't caught up with you about spring break. Anyway, yeah that snow was suprising, Eliza was in heaven. That little snowman is the cutest!
Does Luke even remember what snow is? haha. Are you coming to UT this winter? That snowman is darling! Seriously. I've never said that about a snowman before.