Beach and updated button(North Carolina Family Photographer)
ahhh... nothing beats being at my favorite place with my favorite people.
You know what I love about my man? I casually mention how much I would love living by a beach, and he spends the next week researching job opportunities on the coast.
Beach or no beach..I'm a lucky girl.
For those of you who have asked about my new button (ahem.. Katie), I finally updated it! Click on the button link on the linkbar or go here. The button is 230 px. wide. Let me know if you have any problems adding it. :)
This is a beautiful marriage tribute - I tweeted this @geoffsteurer
I can't tell you enough how much I love your pictures! That one of you and Aaron is my absolute fave. So perfect.
Thanks for the shout-out Jeff!
I'm kind of afraid to jump on the twitter bandwagon. I'm afraid it would fuel my internet addiction a little too much. :)
Seriously, thanks.
Is this for real? Your family is just too beautiful! I thought I was looking at an advertisement for family vacations. Incredible. We have got to move to NC!
Wendy, I approve of that decision!