Photog Q and A

The past year has been incredible and humbling. I feel so grateful for the people who have lied to me and told me I was amazing when I needed the encouragement, and given me constructive criticism when it was time to grow. This job has been a huge blessing for my family, and I couldn't have done without all of you! Thank you.

Now I would love to share a piece of the photog love with you.

For the past few weeks I have had a lot of people E-mailing me and calling me with camera and photography questions. Camera recommendations, lens questions, cropping issues, photoshop tricks etc.

I don't claim to be an expert, but after 4 years of mistakes, a few classes and some great teachers, I know some tips that would have made my life much easier had I known them starting out .

So now is the time. Hit me with your burning photog/camera questions and I'll do my best to answer. Composition, lighting, focus, printing, posting on the web, resizing, megapixels, cropping, removing large moles in photoshop.. ANYTHING!

Leave a little comment or shoot me an E-mail and I'll get to them by next week!

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Thanks for stopping by.

If you have any questions, I will answer them in the comments or e-mail you individually.

Thanks for reading!


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All images by Melissa E Photography are protected under copyright law. Reproductions of any kind are strictly prohibited. Melissa E Photography reserves the right to use images for display, publication and promotional purposes of its business. All images remain the property of Melissa E Photography.

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